Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Struggle of Young Black Men

Let's start off with the first topic:

Why is it so cool for Young Black Men to be a Thug and want to Live the tv life? (Does this have anything to do with impessing women?) Are the majority of Young Black Men's motives to impress women?


  1. I honestly think its and 50/50 influence. The word cool has so many different meanings. In the African American society the a vast majority of our young men have no role models. In fact the television is raising the kids, what our young men see on the television is the rapper who has the money, bling and in street terms "the whores". This looks like the American dream to vulnerables minds. Its not all about the women although they have a effect, but its the men trying to mark their territories. Much like the wild life among the Lions. Everyone wants to be a tiger and that causes the violence, non union, irrational thug behavior. I believe that the television is the most satanic influential thing for the youth. Most of the entertainers aren't living what they are rapping about, and the black man do not understand that concept! The saddest thing is that the women love this thug behavior, they love the men to call them out of their names. I was once told that to be called a female dog(bitch), it meant he loved me in his own way. The women that stroke the ego of a thug makes it hard to try to help them. Most women think they are more protected with the thug, only in the end our death rates are up to women being with thugs, due to the fact that the women put themselves in danger. Young innocent school shot in a drive by shooting, she loses her life because of the person she dated(a thug), and he lived. Its so sad that a thug is a thing to be, its one or two things living the thug life and I think we all know what that is....JAIL, LIFE OR DEATH???? Thats a heck of a 401K plan, we need to try to reach out to the youth with more postive role models, and parents have more control over you kids and teach them rather being their friend.

  2. I personally don't think its 50/50. If you think about it, most Young Black Men's motives are to impress women. Think about it...if there was no one to impress, why do people try to show out and try to be seen? Young Black Men's culture now a days is about going to the club, showing everyone that they have the biggest, baddest, and best tattoos. Along with the tattoos they have to have the biggest jewelery, the best looking outfit, cars with ridiculous sized rims, not to mention pants that hang off there butts. But then again if younger women didn't like all of this materialistic stuff Young Black Men wouldn't try to be thugs. Some women don't realize how much power they have. Young Black Men do what will impress women.

  3. Also I want to add that Young Black Men know what it takes in order to have sex with Younger Women and materialistic is the reward....

  4. I'm sorry I meant materialistics help Young Black Men get the reward...which is sex

  5. I honestly do not think that is it okay for men to behave this way. When they do these things they aren't doing anything, but proving the white people right about what they think of us. As far as impressing women that is part of it, but for the most part it is a thing of fitting in. Some seem to think that if they do certain things or behave a certain way they will get more respect and popularity. But in the end you aren't doing anything but bringing yourself down as a person. Hope this help cuz love ya miss ya!!

  6. A Young Black Man from Texas says:

    "Its called: Goals...... an I donno where u got that from! I feel a person to ask any question or to question a life style either wanted or can't live it that's why its a wonder.

  7. I really don't know whats wrong with black men wanting to be thugs. I never thought it was cool, just ignorant. I'm guessing they think women like it but in reality we don't. We as black women want an educated man thats establised.

  8. As black people we are aggressive but that's also the white man keeping us down I mean a created the ghetto and food stamps in fact the man tell u when to eat on the first and tell u when to be hungry on the 15-31st things to keep us to and I believe one day we will become the strong black people we once was. Now I'm not saying all white people are bad but the ones they consider white trash are close enough to us to know the struggle

  9. If you don't believe me look up the history of black people. People hate what they don't understand
